4 Proven Home Remedies for Hair Growth

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home remedies for hair growthToday’s age is of technology. New inventions are taking place every day. But people are also keen in checking the old once again if it has got something really good. And what better can they find than our old home remedies for health and beauty? Home remedies are proven, time-tested and safest ways to gain health and thereby beauty. Hair is an important part of our beauty and every woman’s topic of concern. So, it’s interesting to find some of the most effective home remedies to get long hair.

1. Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry aka amla has been used since the ancient times. In Ayurveda, amla has been given immense importance because it has a tremendous power of rejuvenation. Of course, amla is excellent for hair health too. Amla has a great stock of vitamin C which speeds up hair growth. Mix 2 teaspoons of amala juice or powder with equal amount of lemon juice and apply it to scalp. Let it dry and then rinse. Amla is also known to stop graying of hair.

2. Coconut Milk

Coconut has been proven excellent for hair health. It is rich in iron, essential fats and potassium. If coconut oil is not very much to your liking, you can get the same health benefits for your hair through coconut milk too. Taking coconut milk out of freshly grated coconut is better than the readily available one on the market. Squeeze out the milk from such a coconut. To add to its potency, you can add juice of half lemon and 4 drops of lavender oil. Blend it nicely and apply to the scalp. Leave for 4-5 hours and then rinse.

3. Egg Mask

Egg is also a popular home remedy for hair health and even vegetarians don’t hesitate to use it because they want healthy hair! Such is the power of egg! Egg is a storehouse of proteins. Plus it also contains other ingredients like zinc, selenium, sulphur, iodine, phosphorous and iron, much needed for hair health. Especially egg white is excellent for hair health. So, make use of it for egg mask. Separate it in a bowl and mix a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply to scalp and hair. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse.

4. Onion Juice

Applying onion juice to scalp has proven to be an effective home remedy since ages to get long hair. Onion contains sulphur which boosts production of collagen and thus helps in rejuvenation of hair. Don’t avoid this if the strong odor repels you, because it will go off in just one rinse. Sqeeze out juice from a few onion slices and apply it to scalp. Keep for 10-15 minutes and then rinse. You can use a mild shampoo. If the smell is unbearable to you, you can replace it with potato juice; however onion is more effective.

Visit Hira Beauty Tips for more hair and beauty tips. Here you will get tips not only for hair growth but also for overall beauty and health.

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