Blackheads and How to Fight Them: 3 Easy Solutions
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As irritating and persistent as blackheads are, it’s of extreme importance to understand what blackheads are in order to get rid of them. First and foremost, blackheads are created when your pores are obstructed with dead skin cells. The main distinction between black heads and white heads depends on how open the obstructed pore is. If it’s open, it will turn black because it’s in contact with the oxygen. Those annoying blackheads are not made out of dirt; neither do they exist as a result of dirt on your face. If you try any aggressive actions in order to remove a blackhead, you will only make things worse. Be careful and don’t try all of our solutions at once, your skin needs time to breathe and react to a change. Here’s the list of the helpful tips:
1)Baking Soda to the Rescue
It’s an old trick, but at the same time a risky one because using baking soda on your skin can make it dry and susceptible to reoccurring problems you’re trying to solve. What works when using baking soda is its shape, because the tiny granules remove the dead skin from your pores and solve the problem in a matter of minutes.
Use: 1 part baking soda and fresh water
2) Water Helps
If you are determined and want to do something for your skin on a daily basis, this is the right solution for you. Gently rinse your face once a day is the right choice for you. This cleans your pores and the dead skin, be sure not to do this too often because it will make your skin dry and then the real problems begin. Try to moisturize after doing this, as it’s the best way to refresh your skin. One extra advice would be to look up a Clarisonic Mia 2 review, because it gives your skin a delicate treatment with excellent results. See for yourself. Until then:
Use: Fresh water, a clean towel and a moisturizer of your choice
3) Sweat with No Regret
When you sweat, it immediately opens your pores. The most important part of this step is to wash your face both before and after your workout, because it could have a counter effect if you fail to do so. Be extra careful not to leave any make up on your face, because it could become a new problem after your workout. Be cautious and use this workout to your advantage.
Use: The will to exercise or a sauna, water and a towel
Hopefully, these tips will help you get rid of the persistent blackheads. In case this doesn’t help you, don’t hesitate and ask for an opinion from your dermatologist. There is always a solution for everything!