Candida Cleanse
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Attention: If you have acne it is likely you need a Candida cleanse. Acne is a symptom of Candida overgrowth. Learn how to detox and get rid of Candida starting today…
For an effective Candida cleanse, diet, nutrition and a proper balance in the intestinal tract is necessary. If you have acne it is very likely you also have Candida overgrowth. Regaining a balanced population of Acidophillus and Bifidobacteria and getting rid of toxins are the goals for effective Candida elimination.
Acidophillus and Bifidobacteria are beneficial bacteria found in the intestinal tract essential for proper digestion and keeping Candida under control. Antibiotics such as those found in some acne medications kill the beneficial bacteria Acidophillus and Bifidobacteria.
Acidophillus and Bifidobacteria supplements can be purchased at your local health food store to help the beneficial bacteria to colonize in the intestinal tract and restore a healthy balance. More about the causes of Candida…
Candida Treatment and Diet
An effective Candida cleanse diet would include organic meat or wild caught fish, green raw vegetables, olive oil, seeds, legumes, garlic are foods that can be consumed when on the anti Candida diet. A simple Candida diet would include staying away from refined sugar and carbohydrates, inorganic meats and dairy. Candida thrives on these foods.
The skin is the largest organ of the body and one of the major organs of toxic elimination. Using the sauna is an outstanding way for detoxifying the skin as well as getting rid of the toxins stored internally. Candida releases many toxins into the body so detoxifying can be very effective as part of the Candida cleanse. An infrared sauna is excellent for the skin and any type of detoxifying.
As part of the Candida cleansing process an infrared sauna is an excellent idea. Make sure the sauna is infrared not steam. The problem with a steam sauna is the steam is most likely polluted with chlorine and other impurities found in tap water. These impurities are toxic to you.
Getting rid of Candida can take approximately 6-8 weeks. A doctor of conventional medicine may not have knowledge of a natural Candida cleanse or recognize your Candida symptoms. This is why it is a good idea to seek the advice of health care practitioner such as a Naturopathic or Holistic practitioner for a Candida detox program if you suspect you have any Candida symptoms.