Hair Loss in Women – Causes and Treatments
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Do you know that, on average, we lose 50 to 100 hairs a day? So, it is normal to lose hair. However, an excessive hair loss may be a sign of a serious medical condition, thus finding its cause is of high importance. Let’s take a look at the most common causes of hair thinning and loss in women!
Telogen effluvium is a phenomenon most likely to occur after extremely stressful life events, drastic weight loss, major surgery or pregnancy in which a woman sheds large amounts of hair every day, especially when brushing, shampooing or styling. This condition can also be a side effect of certain drugs, such as beta-blockers, anti-inflammatory medications or antidepressants. During this phenomenon, hair moves from growing into resting phase faster than it normally would. What can you do about it? If this condition is caused by stress, try to unwind your mind and relax. In case of pregnancy or surgery, you simply have to wait for your hair to start growing normally. In case it proves to be caused by medications you take, talk to your doctor about switching drugs or lowering dosage.
If you don’t eat enough iron-rich foods or you heavy periods, you might be prone to iron deficiency anemia. This means your blood doesn’t have enough red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout your body. Along with other symptoms such as pale skin, fatigue, weakness, headaches, cold feet and hands, anemia can cause hair loss. In this case, eating iron-rich foods such as leafy greens, cereals, beans, pork, beef and fish along with vitamin C rich foods may be very helpful. Nevertheless, although balanced diet is very important for our overall well-being, sometimes it is recommended to use food supplements to prevent or cure certain medical conditions. When it comes to hair thinning and loss due to protein insufficiency, for example, a hair supplement with key ingredients such as biotin, L-cysteine and silica might be just what you need.
It’s important to go see your dermatologist, no matter the cause, for the proper diagnosis and treatment if you want to prevent, stop or cure excessive hair loss.