5 Dental Care Tips You Might Not Know
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For a good oral health, brushing and flossing are extremely essential. Plus, you have to eat foods that are healthy for teeth, can give you all the necessary vitamins and minerals for strong teeth and maintain your oral health. These tips are known to almost everyone. But there are many other things that we don’t know commonly. Here are 5 uncommonly known dental health tips shared by Dentistry Care Auburndale, FL.
1. Seal Off Back Teeth
As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if teeth are sealed off, caries can significantly be reduced. Permanent molars appear at around 6 years of age. While teeth in the front part of the oral cavity are easy to reach and clean, back teeth mostly remain unattended and hence are prone to caries. Their chewing surfaces can get decays in pits and fissures. Therefore, they should be protected with sealants.
2. Don’t Overuse Fluoride
Fluoride is good for dental health and toothpastes should essentially contain it for strengthening enamel, so as to make it less prone to decay. However, fluoride should not be used in excess, especially in young children, not more than a dab smaller than the size of a pea on the toothbrush. Too much of fluoride can give rise to white spots on teeth.
3. Protect Teeth from Sports Blows
Sports are supposed to be health-giving. They help build strong and agile muscles and reduce unnecessary fat. However, you will be surprised to know that they may be bad for teeth! This is because while engaging in aggressive sports activities like roller-blading, skate-boarding and others, you can get hard blows on your teeth, breaking them. You need not stop these activities; you should only ware mouth guards. You can get them custom-fitted mouth guards from your dentist or purchase a mouth guard which you can get at a sports goods store and soften it using hot water so as to fit your mouth.
4. Protect Teeth from Grinding
Teeth grinding or bruxism can cause a lot of wear and tear to your teeth. Bruxism is a result of anxiety and/or stress. The biting surface of your teeth can be worn out because of grinding, thereby becoming more vulnerable to decay. Your dentist may recommend you a mouth guard to be worn at night to protect teeth from grinding.
5. Interaction with Other Drugs
Those who are on multiple drugs, for example, older patients, are at risk of xerostomia or dry mouth. Because of reduced saliva, the risk of gum problems and decay increases significantly. Nearly 800 medications have a side effect of dry mouth. Change in the prescription or saliva-like mouthwashes can be solutions to this problem.
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