Types of Orthodontic Braces
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If you are one among those teenagers who had to wear braces while growing up, probably you were annoyed when your friends call you by different names because of your braces. And it also might irritate you sometimes, but today braces can be applied to the back side of the teeth, or you can choose clear braces or just for night time.
Dental braces fix misaligned teeth that can cause problems while talking, eating and your day-to-day activities. As there are various types of dental orthodontics braces available today it is difficult to know what your dentist is talking about. Today, there many varieties of braces that are being used by the orthodontists. You may be overwhelmed with so many varieties, which may also leave you confused.
1. Traditional braces: Traditional braces have been used as the most recognized from many years. Some braces make children scared even today, though the shame of having braces is not as embarrassing as it used to be. Braces are normally made of wires and metal that put pressure on teeth in an attempt to move them to the right position. Bands are fixed around the molars so that they can support the wires and hold them to move the remaining teeth into the appropriate place.
2. Lingual braces: These are pretty much standard braces that are fixed on back side of the teeth. They are not very expensive, and are commonly used for adult patients. Until and unless you are very close to the person wearing these lingual braces, they are not easily visible. This makes it ideal for the patients who are very conscious about their looks and appearance.
3. Self-ligating braces: Ligatures are nothing but the pieces of metals fixed to the front of your teeth. They are not very heavy and visible like traditional braces and they are more like inner aligner, which moves teeth quickly. This is achieved because of the lack of friction between teeth, which is caused by traditional braces when teeth are moved to the right place.
4. Inman aligner: Inman aligners are another version of invisible and traditional braces but they are not as visible as others. But, these braces move the teeth actually much quicker and are comparatively cheaper than the traditional metal braces. Normally traditional braces can take around two to three years to move the teeth into the right place. But these braces do the job in few weeks and are ideal for patients who don’t need much of alignment job done on their teeth.
5. Invisalign braces: At present, these are pretty famous and anyone can easily afford them. They are made of clear material, which allows the original color of the teeth visible through them. They are made with the help of CAT technology that takes an image of your present structure of teeth and procedure. They can be easily removed for cleaning and eating and they are less embarrassing for the patients who wear them daily.