10 Golden Points To Reduce Your Blood Pressure!

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reducing saltNutrition and the effects of food processing create a planning challenge for patients of High Blood Pressure. On the surface, many of the products mentioned place salt so far down on the ingredients list as to appear insignificant, but in several examples you see that not only do these foods provide an excess of sodium, but their K Factors are completely unacceptable. Obviously, two things are required.

  1. First, a do and don’t list will have to become your “bible.” Eating out will be a minefield of difficulty, and menu planning is critical if you plan to reduce sodium and salt and improve your potassium intake.
  2. Second, you will gain maximum control if you make a decision to use all the information available to you. This means purchasing one or two books on food composition that will guide your purchases and your menu planning. If this seems a little overwhelming, don’t despair; that’s why people called dieticians spend their entire career studying the problem and helping people plan their lives.
  3. Actual food planning will provide you with incredible variety and sound nutrition, but it does take some work.
  4. Plans for eating out. If processed foods are a problem, what about restaurant foods? In restaurants you don’t have an ingredient list or a nutritional label, and often, no one can give you knowledgeable answers.
  5. Menu planning to see how the plan looks for people who have to eat for low sodium and high potassium, and keep the fat content moderate.
  6. Freezing of vegetables and other foods is all right; it does not destroy the value, nor does canning fruit in syrup.
  7. Minimal processing of cereals and grains is also acceptable.
  8. Most processed foods, however, are simply not acceptable for the person who wants to control high blood pressure by diet.
  9. Obviously, processing contributes an enormous amount of salt to food. Indeed processing completely reverses the natural balance of potassium and sodium. If you are serious about reducing your blood pressure by diet, you will stop eating most processed foods.
  10. Develop the habit of reading food labels and weed out those unacceptable processed foods.

reading Label

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