5 Simple Tips to Reduce the Risk of Ovarian Cancer

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Ovaries are an integral part of a woman’s body and although bitter, the fact is that when there are ovaries, there are possibilities of ovarian cancer. But fortunately these possibilities can be reduced. Every woman should know the factors that can increase or reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.

The factors that increase the risk of ovarian cancer are the age of more than 63, a family history of cancer and carrying the genetic mutations of BRCA1 or BRCA2. Women should also know the symptoms of ovarian cancer which include difficulty in eating, vaginal bleeding, urinary problems and many others. Let’s now look at some factors that can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.

1. Healthy Diet and Exercise

A healthy diet and exercise are extremely important for the overall health of anyone. But it’s particularly important for women so as to reduce the risk of the cancer. Incorporating certain foods in your diet is as important as taking a balanced diet. These foods are eggs, beans, nuts and other foods that contain vitamin D, and food high in vitamin A such as leafy greens, carrots and sweet potatoes.

By exercising for 30 minutes every day, the risk of the cancer can be reduced by up to 20%.

2. Avoiding Carcinogens

Carcinogens are substances that can cause cancer. Some of the carcinogens can cause cancer only if you already have one or more of the above-mentioned risk factors like genetic mutation or family history of cancer. However, some other carcinogens can cause cancer irrespective of these factors. For example, products like talcum powder, vaginal deodorants, makeup and even baby powder can cause cancer although you’re not at a risk. Several women regularly using these products near the genital area have been found to develop ovarian cancer. Therefore, these products should be avoided.

3. Avoiding Tobacco and Alcohol

Avoiding tobacco can not only lower your risk of ovarian cancer but also for several other types of cancer. Limiting alcohol consumption to three drinks per week is also recommended in order to lower the risk.

4. Oral Contraceptives

Studies show that women who have been taking oral contraceptives are found to have a 50% lower risk of ovarian cancer. The longer the contraceptives are used, the lower is the risk of developing the cancer. However, since oral contraceptives are not right for everyone, you should first consult your doctor before starting taking these medications.

5. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

It’s contradictory to the above-mentioned tip, but it’s true that giving birth to at least one child, particularly before the age of 30, is known to lower the risk of ovarian cancer. The risk is reduced with each delivery. Moreover, breastfeeding women have been found to have a reduced risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Discuss with your doctor and start following these tips to reduce the risk of the deadly disease. A healthy life to you!

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