Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Pacing Is The Most Effective!
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Chronic fatigue syndrome is a mysterious disease about which neither the doctors nor the patients know exactly. Some doctors even don’t believe that it is a disease. And even some patients are not ready to believe that they suffer from such a disease.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is disease in which the patient feels fatigued for most of the time and this condition continues at least for six months. The causes of the diseases are not known yet, and even no definite treatment is available, though with a lot of patience and efforts, we can control the symptoms. You can get a complete guide about CFS here.
There is some proof that, the earlier the diagnosis of CFS and initiation of treatment, the more are the chances of recovery. Also management of food malabsorption and intolerance and gut dysbiosis are found to be helpful in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome.
When chronic fatigue syndrome is concerned, experts emphasize on individual treatment. This means that patient’s individual symptoms, illness history and other personal scenario should be considered. This is because no comprehensive treatment has been found to treat this disease. The treatment is largely based on trial-and-error method and for this collaboration between doctor and patient is very essential. Both of them can work together to construct the treatment plan. There is no scientifically proven curative method available for CFS and commercially available products which claim to cure it should be used with caution.
The challenge presented by chronic fatigue syndrome is to learn to live within an utterly sensitive border between energy gain and energy expenditure, as, when this border is crossed, symptoms will show up.
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The most widely used management technique for chronic fatigue syndrome is pacing and it is all about keeping the symptoms of the disease manageable and living a steady life. Pacing trains a person to head towards a higher level of well-being. Alternatively, a push and crash cycle has also been developed, which is not only useless, but also frustrating and can give rise to further problems. Pushing is to push oneself maximum when one is not feeling fatigued and continue till fatigue again grabs one. As a result, a crash of energy occurs from which it is difficult for one to recover.
On the other hand pacing is to pace oneself everyday, to keep going for long. This includes scheduling of activities with careful thought and flexibility, practicing energy-conservation, blending activity with breaks and stopping the activity (both mentally and physically), in time, i.e. before severe symptom exacerbation takes place. The last one differs from person to person and each person gets different signs to show that his or her limits are approaching.
Pacing and switching is a variation of pacing, in which activities are changed to steer clear of tiring of same muscles. E.g. switching from writing before the hand muscles tire to watching TV and then switching again later.
The plus point of pacing is it offers flexibility to the fluctuating nature of the disease and permits maximum activity without worsening the disease.
Pacing is the most effective therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, with anxiety, depression, pain and fatigue, and can significantly improve quality of life.