Gluten Intolerance

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Gluten intolerance is a widely spread and more and more people all around the world become aware of this problem. The most of the people negatively affected by food containing gluten are just sensitive and they simply feel better when eating gluten-free foods. But there are people that are totally gluten intolerant and for them gluten-free diet is a must if they want to live healthy and happy life. Gluten is a protein which is found in rye, wheat, barley etc. People with gluten intolerance are unable to digest this protein properly. Gluten sensitivity symptoms may include abdominal discomfort, diarrhea or pain, bloating etc. Also, there are many symptoms apart from those intestinal, such as migraines and headaches, tiredness, lethargy, hyperactivity, joint pain and muscular disturbances etc.

Gluten-free diet has shown to have a positive affect on over-all well-being and it reduces symptoms of gluten intolerance. For people having Coeliac disease (wheat allergy) the only medically accepted and recommended treatment is change to gluten-free foods. Although it sounds boring and tasteless, the fact is that this specialized diet can be very tasty and delicious. Learning what is forbidden and what is allowed food is very important. Also, it is recommended to eat gluten-free food that is rich in nutrients in order to provide the body to get everything needed. Corn, lentils, carrots, cherries, almonds, beef, pork, cheese, grapes, coffee and many many more foods are allowed in a gluten-free diet plan. Strict adherence to this diet plan enables the intestines to be healed, eliminates risk of osteoporosis and intestinal cancer. It is of vital importance to be aware which food is gluten free and to organize a balanced diet plan despite the limitations.

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