Thyroid Problems
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Grave’s disease is a condition which causes thyroid gland to produce the thyroid hormones in excess. Since thyroid gland controls functioning of all vital organ system of the body,it becomes extremely critical to have normal levels of thyroid hormones.In Grave’s disease, the body starts producing antibodies against the thyroid gland, which, in response to the antibodies attack, start producing hormones in excess. This condition is called as hyperthyroidism.
Thyroid related diseases in general affect women more than men; hence, Grave’s disease is also more common among women, especially middle aged women. This disease makes the thyroid gland hyper active and consequently, thyroid gland, which controls many vital functions of the body,starts responding in abrupt manner.
Some common symptoms associated with this disease are weight loss,extreme tiredness, bulging of the eyes and increased heart rate. However the good news is that when diagnosed properly,this diseases is easy to treat. The goal of the treatment for this condition is to limit the amount of thyroid hormones secreted. When treated properly,the symptoms tend to subside and the patient gets relief. The problem is that, Grave’s disease can re-occur or even lead to Thyroid eye disease. The treatment involves prescribing anti-thyroid medicine,surgery of thyroid gland and intake of radioactive iodine. Surgery is done in extremely severe cases when the quality of life gets disturbed by the over secretion of thyroid hormones. For mild or less severe cases,it is not recommended because surgical removal or operation of this gland can cause serious side effects coupled with some damage to other soft organs like vocal cord and neighbouring parathyroid glands. Radioactive iodine therapy works effectively in treating the condition by destroying the hyperactive thyroid tissues but this method too has some drawbacks such as it cannot be used over pregnant women as radioactivity can be dangerous for the foetus.