4 Useful Tips to Get the Most out of a Fitness Bootcamp
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Fitness bootcamps are based on programs used to thrash new military trainees into shape and hence they are certainly not for the fainthearted. The programs contain high-intensity workouts that combine bodyweight exercises, sprint intervals and high-intensity moves like punching and kicking, that deliver results in a total-body approach. They’re based on an important principle of limiting rest time between each workout to speed up the heart rate and thus burn calories fast.
A typical fitness bootcamp lasts for an hour and can burn as many as 600 calories, building aerobic capacity and strength at the same time. It’s easy to stay motivated in a fitness bootcamp, like Cambridge Bootcamps, with a committed instructor and friends all sweating together. Here are a few tips to get the most out of a fitness bootcamp.
1. Choose Carefully
Fitness bootcamps are usually a general term for all fitness classes led by outdoor instructors; hence make sure you read the fine print. For example, some camps are aimed for specific groups like young adults or women. Some may devote more time to bodyweight and cardio exercises such as pushups, lunges and squats, while others may use apparatus like free weights, sandbag and kettlebells.
2. Identify Your Strength
While some fitness bootcamps are great for beginners, several others target advanced users. Identify your fitness level and make sure you join the bootcamp that matches it. Also, don’t hesitate to speak up if you find a workout too tough. A good idea is to reach early and talk to the instructor about injuries or any special requirements.
3. Eat and Drink Right
In boot camps, you’re bound to come across tough moves and so, you need to keep energy levels and blood sugar high. Choose a carb-based meal such as vegetables or fruits with whole grains a couple of hours before the workout. Also, it’s essential to drink 10 to 15 ounces of water 30 to 60 minutes before the class to stay hydrated. Like with any high-intensity workout, make sure you recover properly by consuming a healthy meal packed with protein and carbs, ideally within two hours after the class.
4. Give Your 100%
You have to spend just an hour. So, give your 100% to each class to achieve the best results. If you trust your instructor and want to be pushed outside your comfort zone, you will get better results than with exercising alone. But make sure you listen to your body first.
So, are you ready to attend a fitness bootcamp? All the best!