Benfits of Medication

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benefits of meditationIf you prefer meditation and you like to switch off, tune out and let yourself melt, be sure that there are scientifically proven benefits of meditation. If you haven’t tried meditating yet, read about these advantages and maybe you will change your mind.

Meditation increases immunity, because it has been reported that relaxation boosts immunity in patients recovering from cancer. When practiced on daily basis, progressive muscular relaxation reduces the risk of recurring of the breast cancer. Also, if elderly patients practice meditation for a month, their natural killer cells will be boosted and therefore they will be more resistant to viruses and tumors.

Meditation is the way to cure unhealthy emotional states and neurosis or to decrease the intensity of neurotic behavior. It is very hard to be completely emotionally balanced, but massage really helps here. Once when you cleanse your consciousness of emotionally soaked memories, you will feel great freedom and balance.

When it comes to fertility, several studies show that women are more likely to become pregnant when they are relaxed. Also, it is found that relaxation boosts male fertility. Therefore practicing meditation Singapore techniques or some others might increase your fertility.

If you suffer from bowel syndrome, you are likely to be irritated a lot. So, practice a relaxation meditation two times a day and your symptoms of diarrhea, constipation and bloating will be significantly improved.

Meditation lowers blood pressure because relaxation makes the body less responsive to the hormones of stress (actually, this is exactly what blood pressure lowering medications do).

Stress can lead to inflammation, states linked to asthma, psoriasis, arthritis, heart disease etc. By switching off the stress response, meditation can help in preventing and treating this symptoms and health conditions.


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