Best Foods for Healing Your Body You Should Start Eating Right Now
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Someone has rightly said that food is the best medicine! When we fall ill and get hurt, our body needs strength to heal itself and this very strength can be obtained from what we eat rather than from expensive medications and supplements. You just need to choose the right foods that will help your body heal. Here are some of the best foods for healing your body!
Protein-rich Foods
Proteins are the building blocks of our body and to help our body heal itself, it’s essential to eat protein-rich foods like beans, nuts, eggs, chicken, milk, and so on. Click here for more information on foods that can heal wounds.
Mushrooms are highly regarded for their health-boosting properties. Some common varieties of mushrooms are shiitake, cremini, white button and portabella. Especially, shiitake mushrooms have caught attention of scientists and more and more studies are being conducted on it to see how it may fight cancer by increasing the strength of our immune system through one of its ingredient compound, named lentinan which is believed to slow down growth of tumors.
Probiotics are microorganisms that work for our health by residing inside our body and protecting us against diseases. They are found in foods like yogurt, soy beverages and kefir. They can also be obtained from supplements. Studies are continuously being performed to find the power of probiotics in diseases like skin infections, irritable bowel syndrome and even certain cancers.
In a report from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, probiotics have been proven to prevent urinary tract infections and to treat diarrhea.
Calcium-rich Foods
If your bones are broken due to some injury or fast approaching towards age-related weakening, you need to increase your calcium intake and for this, you should eat calcium-rich foods rather than calcium supplements. These foods can heal broken bones as well as prevent their weakening. These foods are:
- Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese)
- Eggs
- Fatty fish (e.g. salmon and sardines)
- Nuts and beans
Swiss Chard
Swiss chard belongs to the beet family and is a wonderful source of vitamins C, E and K, and is packed with calcium, zinc and fiber. It looks distinctive with its wide green leaves and stalks that come in colors ranging from red to yellow to white. It’s a bit bitter and salty to taste.
It helps in healing by:
- Having anti-inflammatory properties
- Supporting bone health
- Fighting stress-related disorders
So, if you had ignored this very important matter in your life, it’s time now to correct it and start eating healthy and be prepared to fight diseases, wounds and inflammation.