Best Way to Improve Eyesight
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Those who wear spectacles know how problematic it is to do with them. While many people with normal healthy eyesight envy or get attracted towards those wearing glasses, the later face a lot of problems and get irritated because of the weak eyesight. As a myopic person, I myself know this well and how necessary it is to cure weak eyesight. I recommend going through various ways of how to improve eyesight naturally to those who have to bear the weight of glasses on their noses.
Spectacles are traditionally considered to be a cure for weak eyesight. People think that once they wear or make their dear ones wear glasses, everything is okay. But the question arises after that. If the glasses are really a cure, why does the number go on worsening? If glasses are cure, the wearer should have improved eyesight after a period, which doesn’t happen. And this contradiction makes us think on glasses more seriously.
Glasses in fact put more strain on eyes. Whenever you look through your glasses, your eyes are strained and thus their number gradually worsens instead of improving.
Therefore, if you want to improve your eyesight, first of all you should stop using glasses! I know this is impossible. But still, if you try you can at least start by limiting the use of glasses. Discard the glasses whenever possible. Do those chores without glasses which you can do with naked eyes.
Having started like this, consider giving as much relaxation to the eyes as possible. There are various ways to relax eyes and some are so simple, that you will feel surprised.
Blinking is Nature’s boon and a natural relaxation method for our eyes. Keep on blinking eyes knowingly. You may notice that you blink them very less. Once you start doing it deliberately, your eyes will get relaxation.
Other way is splashing eyes with cold water as many times as possible in a day. Cold water splash is also an excellent relaxation technique. Eyes should always remain cool and should not encounter with heat anytime. Cold water splashes provide the necessary coolness to the eyes.
Best of all is palming. Close your eyes with your palms and keep on for as much time as possible. Repeat several times in a day. The more you do it, the better it is for your eyes.
Improved Blood Circulation
There is also a need of improved blood circulation in your eye area in order to make your eyes healthy. For this, let the early morning sunlight fall on your closed eyes for about 15 minutes daily.
There are various eye exercises to relax and strengthen the eye muscles and muscles related to our eye health, like shoulder muscles and our spinal cord.
For example, after getting up in the morning move your head from left to right and right to left, up to down and down to up, and in a clockwise and anticlockwise direction 10 times each. At the same time move your shoulders in a circular fashion backward to forward and forward to backward 25 times each. This will relax and loosen your stiffened neck and shoulder muscles.
Similarly, you can keep your head fixed with your eyes moving up to down and back, left to right and back and in a clockwise and anticlockwise direction, 3 times each, to strengthen your eye muscles.
Eat Right
Right diet is extremely important for eye health. Eat plenty of raw veggies and fruits full of vitamin A, which is essential for eye health. They are carrot, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce, papaya, and so on. Eat plenty of protein foods like fish, eggs and meat, and dairy products too.
Have Patience
Above all, the most important thing to remember is to have patience. The glasses you are wearing won’t go easily. You will certainly need some time, hard work and patience to eliminate them permanently from your life. So, have patience and you will definitely succeed!