Gift a Fruit Basket to Mom and Save Her from Stroke

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mother's day fruit basketMother’s Day is a very special event as we all love our moms and want to express our feelings on this occasion. But regarding a Mother’s Day gift, you are always confused what to gift your dear mom. I suggest you to start gifting your mom a fruit basket. Why? It’s because recent studies have shown that consuming fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of stroke considerably.

I know some moms are very reluctant to take care of their own health, because I have one of the same type. And especially when it comes to consuming fruits, they are very, very reluctant, because some of them think that it’s today’s diet fad, some think fruits are costly, some just don’t like fruits (my mom likes to consume more of fish and a local fried snack). So, you will face a lot of problems in making your moms eat fruits; but you will have to be steadfast, if you want your mom for a long time.

Stroke is the fourth major fatal disease in the United States and China. It is also a leading cause of disability.

According to World Health Organization, increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables up to 600 gm per day could reduce the risk of ischemic stroke dramatically which is caused by a blood clot, by 19% across the world.

20 studies were analyzed to come to this conclusion for the last 19 years and the studies included over 760,000 people from Asia, Europe and the United States.

As per the observations published in the “Stroke” the risk of stroke declined straightaway by 32% upon consumption of 200 gm of fruits consumed daily and by 11% with 200 gm of veggies daily.

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Dr. Yan Qu, the senior author of the analysis and the director of the intensive care unit at Qingdao Municipal Hospital, China, says that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables meets the requirements of micro and macro nutrients and fiber correctly without adding much to overall energy requirements.

The risk reduction was seen in case of ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke (caused by bleeding), and the good news is it is consistent in both the genders and all ages.

Because of the design of the study, it couldn’t show that fruits and veggies reduce the stroke, but it is seen that frequent consumption of these two and lowered risk of stroke are definitely associated with each other.

Other Benefits

Consuming a lot of fruits and veggies are also beneficial for our health because it lowers blood pressure, enhances blood vessel function and has beneficial effects on waist size, body fat, inflammation and cholesterol, according to the study authors.
According to American Heart Association, adults should eat 4 to 5 servings of fruits and veggies every day.

So, you can see that fruits and veggies are good not only for your mom, but for you too. So, you too can start eating them while convincing mom, because as you want your mom, mom too wants you for a long time.

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