Holistic Dentistry – Safer Way towards Dental Health

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holi.denti.universalThis time if you have a dental problem, try a holistic dentist! Holistic dentistry is a branch of alternative medicines for dental problems which have several approaches towards dental health, but some things in common, like opposition to amalgam (as it contains mercury) and other toxic materials used for dental fillings, nonsurgical approach towards gum problems and opposition to root canals as it may endanger systemic health through the spread of trapped bacteria. The therapy believes that dental health can be achieved through entire physical health, as well as emotional and spiritual health.

The main principle of holistic dentistry is to promote health and wellness rather than treatment of disease. This approach covers both modern science and great traditions from all through the world based on natural healing. In short, holistic dentistry deals with the body, mind and soul of the patient and not merely his or her teeth.

The basic principles of holistic dentistry are:

• Proper nutrition to prevent and reverse degenerative dental problems
• Avoidance and removal of toxic substances from dental materials
• To prevent and treat dental malocclusions
• To prevent treat gum problems at their biological basis

Biocompatible Materials

One of the aims of holistic dentistry is to promote the use of biocompatible materials in dental problems. The materials should be such that they should replicate natural structure of tooth, as far as possible, in appearance as well as in physical properties and should avoid any potential adverse effects.

In past some years the potential hazards caused by dental materials which contain toxic substances have been more and more revealed. The commonest among these toxins is mercury which is found in the silver fillings. Mercury is among the most toxic substances and forms a main ingredient of silver amalgam.

Other Factors

Along with biocompatibility, the size of the problem, function of tooth to be repaired and biting surface are also considered in holistic dental treatments. While choosing the material, its strength and durability are also important along with cosmetic acceptability.

Holistic dentistry is a science inclined more towards Nature and therefore it is safe. However, the mainstream dentists have a lot to talk against it. Better is to use your common sense and ask a holistic dentist a lot of questions regarding his treatment and then decide whether to take treatment or not. And this should also be done while considering to take treatment from a mainstream dentist.

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