Home Teeth Whitening
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Kids usually have beautifully white teeth, but as they grow older teeth become darker due to less porous enamel and changed mineral structure. Often food, tobacco and bacterial pigments, as well as some medications cause reduction in the brilliance of the enamel and teeth stains. Having white teeth is not contemporary trend and even Ancient Romans utilized urine to make and keep teeth whiter. Since then, dentistry and medicine have been developing and improving and nowadays there are numerous possible ways to make teeth whiter and to maintain them so.
Home teeth whitening products are useful for reducing yellowing and even brightening the teeth. These products include whitening toothpaste, teeth whitening strips, gels, whitening trays and light therapy. Before buying any teeth whitening kits, it is recommended to talk to a dental professional because these products may contain harsh chemicals which may damage our teeth. In fact, harsh chemicals have to be used to remove strains, but it is also important not to weaken tooth enamel. Basically there are two types of whitening – overall shade whitening or stain removal.
Home teeth whitening kits and products can be very useful if properly and patiently applied, but our lifestyle should be also reconsidered. Red wine, coffee, tobacco, dark sauces may contribute accumulation of strains on teeth. Some of these products are generally damaging our health. Aside from using home teeth whitening products, we should consider cutting these items down (or even out). Drinking water is better option than drinking various sports drinks. While sports drinks increase tooth discoloration, water is great for loosening food particles stuck between the teeth helping getting them washed away.
Some people found home whitening irritating and painful. This is probably because of their unhealthy or too sensitive teeth and gums. Also, there are people who expect miracles and they get disappointed. Home whitening products are useful in maintaining teeth color and they reduce strain accumulation, but they are not so powerful to make teeth whiter than white.