In Search of Healthy Party Foods? Here are 5!

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healthy party foodsDo you feel that you are putting on weight because you have to attend many parties and you love the various tasty snacks served in there and so, cannot resist yourself from gobbling them? Believe it or not, you can choose healthy party foods which won’t offer you fat and calories, but health and leanness. Take a look at Aarhus frokostordning to see how wide the range of healthy party food is! Here are some healthy party snacks which you can suggest your hosts to serve, and also you can present to your guests when you throw a party!

Cheese and Fruit

The most required mineral by women – calcium – is offered by a couple of sizable cheddar cheese pieces. But remember that they offer calories too, so be careful. Hard cheeses such as cheddar offer more calcium but more calories too. On the other hand fruits like pineapple, strawberries and kiwis are packed with nutrition and immunity boosters, but render fewer calories.

Cheese and Fruit


Sushi is a low-fat party food with all healthy ingredients like white rice dashed with pieces of tuna or salmon. If you prefer a fishless variety, you will get in healthy veggies like cucumber and others. The seaweed called nori hugging the rice is also a nutritional storehouse containing marine minerals.Sushi


Chicken Kababs

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The meat in this Asian delicacy is normally skinless and grilled and so, render fewer fats and calories. Moreover the seasoning is usually of a teriyaki glaze which savors the meat with less than even a teaspoon of sugar. Only an ounce of this chicken will render you nearly 9 gm of protein making you satisfied and not tempted to try your hand on fattier dishes.

chicken kababs

Red Wine

Red wine is loaded with polyphenol – a compound that boosts acid circulation, reduces blood pressure and boosts overall health. Sweet varieties have a bit more calories than the dry wines.

red wine


You can take a nut bowl as health-store unless they are honey-roasted (and so, sugar-coated). Small scoop of uncoated nuts can offer you a good dose of fiber, vitamins and protein, and make you full. If you find some pumpkin or sunflower seeds in the mixture, even better – both are high in vitamin E.

Nut mix

So, next time choose such foods for your party and suggest your guests too to choose them for their parties.

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