Insomnia – Know Your Sleep Enemy

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what to do if you can't sleepMany people cannot sleep well. Do you have similar problem? Insomnia or sleeping disorder is the inability to get the necessary amount of sleep a person needs to wake up feeling refreshed and rested. Insomnia is not defined by the number of hours a person sleeps or how quickly one dozes off. It is defined by how the person is feeling after waking up and the quality of one’s sleep. Even if someone is spending more than eight hours in bed at night, they might feel fatigued and drowsy during the day. That person might suffer from insomnia.

Insomnia is not the only sleep disorder, even though it happens to be the most common sleep complaint. What causes insomnia is what a person should think about. It’s more important to find out the cause of one’s own sleeping disorder in order to solve this issue. Sometimes, just a simple habits, such as drinking too much coffee might cause insomnia, but it can also be a symptom of another medical problem. If you feel overloaded with responsibilities or you suffer underlying medical condition, it’s completely normal to expect that you cannot sleep, since you might be experiencing insomnia.

What to do if you can’t sleep? We have the good news for you! Insomnia can be easily cured in most cases if you change your habits on your own. You don’t have to rely on sleep specialists or turn to over-the-counter or prescription sleeping pills. If you want to cure and properly treat your sleep disorder, why shouldn’t you become a “sleep detective”. Half of insomnia cases is caused by emotional issues such as depression, stress and anxiety. On the other hand, sleep routine, physical health and daytime habits play an important role, too. So, you should identify the causes of your own insomnia, why you actually cannot sleep. When a person figures out the root causes, it’s treatment can be tailored accordingly.

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