Plastic Pollution Damages Human Health
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Are you concerned about the global warming? Well, it’s getting clear it’s not really what we should think about. Plastic pollution in our oceans is a global threat that severely damages marine ecosystems. Unfortunately, it is poised to affect human health, too. We are not evolved to have molecules of plastic distributed around our bodies. These plastics can mimic the effect of human hormones, chemicals that act as catalysts for chemical reactions. This can cause havoc with the fundamental chemistry of our bodies. They also permanently clog up our livers.
So, let’s end plastic pollution! But, how? Here are simple, yet effective tips. First of all, REFUSE single-use and disposable plastics, such as bottles, bags, cups and straws. The life without disposable plastics is both healthier and feasible. However, sometimes it’s quite difficult to say no to single-use plastics. Therefore, we suggest you to REDUCE plastic footprint. Look for products and packaging made from renewable resources, the ones with the least amount of disposable parts, legumes and vegetables without prepackaging etc.
Nontoxic containers, such as those made from stainless steel and glass make less waste because we can REUSE them. Nevertheless, plastic containers and bags should be reused in order to prolong their life before we RECYCLE them. In fact recycling is our last tip. Things that cannot be refused, reduced and/or reused should be recycled. Although recycling plastics might have some benefits, still it is the last option because it uses energy. Also, the waste might be shipped somewhere else to be burned causing toxic emissions (somewhere faraway from your home, but still it’s the same planet we’re talking about!).
To cut long story short, plastic pollution is very dangerous and we should have started thinking about this issue a century ago. However, since it’s better late than never, think about it today and do your best to save both your overall well-being and the only planet with chocolate! 😉