Corporate Massage

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"Corporate massage"A new tool is being used nowadays to enhance the productivity of the employees and it is the corporate massage, also named as corporate chair massage, or seated massage. This type of massage includes a comfortable massage chair, not the traditional table, on which the massage is given, that too at the workplace; and he or she does not have to disrobe or apply any uncomfortable oil or other substance. The professionals either come daily to offer their service or come on some particular day and the employees can take some off their work and get the massage done.

This massage uses several methods to make the employees the most comfortable. Nowadays, it has been proven that the cumulative expense of absenteeism is going up to a shocking figure of some billion dollars. Additionally, work-related stress can give rise to lessened productivity, on-duty accidents, compensations to be given to the workers and raised cost of health and medical insurance. Stress is highly responsible for nearly fifty percent of lost work time and on-work accidents. As much as one million employees remain absent from work as a result of stress and the percentage of the stress-resulted accidents associated with industries and construction has raised to as shocking as 80. And massage is particularly useful in getting rid of stress.

More money is earned when you offer corporate massage service to your workers, as it improves their productivity. This is because their motivation and morale is increased and they tend to think that it is their duty to reciprocate what you are doing for them and so they become more energetic to work more. And when the number of sick leaves and absentees goes down, your more money is saved. Also your more money is saved spent on stress-related ailments and repeated strain claims. The massage is tax deductible, because it is an on-site health facility.

For employees, it renders hoards of benefits. Stress, fatigue and anxiety are uprooted due to massage. Commonly occurring muscle pains resulting from repetitive use of computers, mouse and keyboard, of wrists, arms, shoulders, neck, back and waist are cured by massage. Due to this posture is also improved. An improvement in mental powers due to increased alertness, concentration and focus also is brought about by massage. This is because it mainly soothes the nervous system. Other ailments like headaches or migraines which occur commonly are uprooted too due to massage. Moreover, symptoms of OOS and RSI are also reduced due to it. The matter of prime importance is, the improvised blood flow because of the massage gives rise to improved overall health, which in turn improves productivity.

{This massage is not at all intrusive and does not interfere with the proceedings of your business. The masseurs need just a small semi private place to set up the massage chairs. You can incorporate the massage program in your business by various ways. It can be a prize for a sale contest or for bringing a new client. It can be added to the agenda of a product launch along with lecture, tea, lunch and entertainment. It can also be presented to the employees on their birthdays. When you will include the corporate massage in your business development program, you will definitely get its innumerable benefits.

you can try Corporate massage Sydney.

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