Best Safety Equipment for Athletes to Protect their Legs
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Due to injuries to athletes at the time of sporting activities, government and national and public health organizations have set safety standards to recognize risks and have made it necessary to wear protective equipment in certain sports, especially high contact or action sports to lessen risk of injury. While engaging in a sport, it’s advisable to obtain professional sports guidance about the kind of protective equipment needed.
As leg injuries are the commonest among sports injuries, you should always ensure the safety of your legs while engaging in a sporting event with high-quality leg-protecting equipment like that by Bauerfeind. Here are some essential types of equipment you should remember to use always.
Knee Protection
Researches have proved that knee injuries are the commonest leg injuries in sports. Knees have a little protection of their own which is a thin layer of muscles and skin over kneecaps. There is not much of cushion to prevent pushing of patella bone out of space or breaking it, thereby resulting often in tearing of ligaments or muscles. There are various types of knee protecting equipment you can use.
Knee Pads: Knee pad can protect your knees from abrasions and bruises normally caused by direct blows or other impacts. They have cushioning on the spot of kneecaps to absorb shock of blows and protect patella.
Knee Sleeves: These are typically made of neoprene fabric or other compressive and elastic material, since their main function is to support and stabilize, and warm and compress knees, thereby increase blood circulation, and reduce pain and swelling. However, they are not made for injured knees for which you should use knee braces.
Knee Braces: These are used for protecting from earlier injuries to prevent further injuries. Unlike pads and sleeves, knee braces are designed for protection and fixation for already bad or damaged knees. They are made from firm and durable fabric and have holes for kneecaps; they are also strengthened with adjustable straps and metallic elements.
Another common leg injury during sports is injury to muscles and ligaments around hips and its underlying causes are excessive pronation and poor shock absorption. Functional orthotics can improve the biomechanics of the feet and decrease the amount of pronation and prevent many sports-related leg injuries. Custom-fitted orthotics can help avoid arch breakdown and biomechanical foot problems and even treat many injuries of the lower extremities including hip joints.
Compression Stockings
Compression stockings are used by a wide range of people, and athletes, such as basketball players and runners too can be benefited from them. They work by squeezing the leg tissues and walls of the veins, thereby facilitating return of the blood in these veins to the heart. Thus it prevents pooling of blood in the veins which can cause swelling, leg fatigue and achiness.
Keep your legs well protected with these various types of safety equipment if you want to enjoy your favorite sporting activities.