– Bringing Comfort in Lives of the Disabled!
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If a person is disabled since birth or becomes so due to some mishap, his or her life becomes miserable. Because of the difficulty in performing any activity, the pain, the helplessness and the feeling of being a burden on others make such people unhappy and depressed. It is therefore our duty to make life of these people as happy as possible and in that task, various disability equipment are of a lot of help. These instruments help a lot in performing the desired activities independently, with least level of pain and so they create a sense of confidence and happiness in the users. Lynch Healthcare is one of the most eminent manufacturers of these appliances, working for happiness of the disabled since 2009. By visiting, you can get valuable information about various disability tools.
About Lynch Healthcare
Lynch Healthcare is specialized in the production, supply, fitting and maintenance of disability equipment and their goal is to achieve perfection in making of these instruments and offer excellent customer service. David Lynch is the director of the company and the company operates throughout the UK. Along with many organizations like schools, respite centres, care homes, day centres, etc. Lynch Healthcare is trusted by many individual patients. It is proved from the numerous testimonials on
Wide Range of Products
Products of Lynch Healthcare include mobile hoists, slings, changing tables, shower chairs, pool hoists and ceiling hoists, which in turn have several categories. E.g. the mobile hoists are of compact, standing, standard, high lift, folding, ceiling, column and stretcher types, shower appliances are of shower chair, tilt in space shower chair, tilt in space shower cradle and shower stool types, ceiling hoists are of straight, xy system, turnable and portable types, and so on.
Excellent Maintenance Packages
Maintenance of disability equipment is extremely important, because then only they will keep on working smoothly. Taking this into consideration Lynch Healthcare offers everything in maintenance from a one off service to a full five year maintenance package. The preventive maintenance is offered by the company at no extra charges. The expert technicians of the company are available at your service 24/7. The inspection of lifting equipment which is necessary to be done every 6 months is carried out by the company as per the Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER), 1998.
Comfortable Return Policy
How ever perfect the disability tools have been made, Lynch Healthcare understands the complexity in their structure. Hence if some product is not satisfactory for your patient, Lynch Healthcare provides 30-days money back guarantee, without any questions. This is quite like a proof of their quality and indicates that the tools are made with utmost care.
It is great to make the life of a disabled person comfortable and especially if such a person is your most loved one, you will definitely want to do it on priority. In that case, you should visit and go through their products to see which one is the most appropriate for that person and it is sure that you will get one. So hurry up as you should not delay the task of making your loved one’s life easy!