New Maharishi Ayurveda Health Blog Launches

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In recent years, more and more people trust comprehensive healthcare systems where physician look at the body as a whole. There are many alternative medicine practices, and Maharishi Ayurveda is one of those dating back to 1980. Three Ayurvedic experts from India – Dr. Triguna, Dr. Balaraj and Dr. Dwivedi started working together with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of transcendental meditation. They gathered to create authentic herbal drug formulations according to Ayurvedic prescriptions and to establish an international network of medical workers, schools and clinics. Since then, Maharishi Ayurveda is dedicated to enable people worldwide to live healthy and happy life. If you are interested in alternative medicine and natural healing remedies, Maharishi Ayurveda might be the perfect choice for you. New Maharishi Ayurveda Health Blog launches and you should surely check it out. Visit for more information!

Maharishi Ayurveda is recommended for all those people who would like physicians to look at their body as a whole. A healing touch of mother Nature and the intelligence of plants are used when making herbal mixtures of natural  remedies. Existing healthcare systems have some gaps and with Maharishi Ayurveda you can fill those gaps and contribute to your health care. The best thing about Maharishi Ayurveda is that as some other complementary medicine practices it treats the source of the disease and not merely pacifying symptoms. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “science of life” and therefore, Maharishi Ayurveda holistic approach addresses body, but also mind, consciousness and emotions. It is based on know-why and know how rather than mere untested assumptions as many people think. Maharishi Ayurveda is time-tested, authentic and life changing – in a good way. Keep informed about healing remedies and clinics where you can find the best care about your over-all health, no matter if you want to prevent disease or to find a cure on new Maharishi Ayurveda Health Blog.

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