Workers’ Comensation
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What is workers’ compensation? If a person suffers on-the-job illness or injury, it’s likely to be entitled to workers compensation. If you are an employee covered by workers compensation, you can receive partial pay for the time you are out of work or compensation for various medical bills etc. One of the advantages of this insurance type is that an employee can get benefits regardless of whose fault an injury or illness was- the employee, the co-worker, the employee, customers or clients or anyone else. However, in exchange for this guaranteed benefit, as an employee you do not have the right to sue your employer in the court of law.
Typically about 2/3 of employee’s regular salary is payed to an injured or ill employee, as well as any medical expense that is necessary for treating the injury. Also, if there is a need of retraining or rehabilitation, workers’ comp does pay it. Workmans’ comp, however, does not cover all on-the-job injuries. Even though this system is designed to provide you guaranteed benefit, there are some limits. If, for example, an employee uses illegal drugs or if one’s intoxicated, any illness or injury would not be covered by worker’s comp. Also, coverage might be denied in these situations: injuries while committing some crime, self-inflicted and injuries in case of starting a fight.
In some states, an employees have the right to see their own doctors, if it’s written in their request before any injury occurs. However, it’s common to be referred to a doctor or clinic provided by the employer. So, if your working place is in Dallas, for example, you will be referred to some workers comp clinic in Dallas. It’s important to get the information on workers comp clinic you will be referred to, because the doctors your employers paid for might be motivated to minimize the seriousness of the injuries or to diagnose it was a preexisting condition. So, Code of Ethics is very important to be followed.