Breastfeeding Benefits – For You and Your Baby

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After the baby is born, breastfeeding is the natural way for your baby to get the necessary nutrients and we all know this. However, breast milk is more than just a food for your newborn, it also contains disease-fighting substances that your baby needs to get to fight illnesses and to overcome them. This is the second reason why the breastfeeding is very important and recommended for the first six months of your baby’s life. Of course, any amount is good and there is a possibility not to be able to breastfeed your baby. However, if you have the ability, keep in mind that breastfeeding is beneficial to your health, too. Of course, breastfeeding tips for newborn are welcome, because if done inappropriate, it can be quite painful and uncomfortable.

So, let’s take a look at the major benefits of breastfeeding. Research from all around the world show that meningitis, stomach viruses, ear and eye infections, respiratory illnesses etc. are less likely to occur in breastfed babies. If these problems do occur, they are less severe. Newborns fed by breast milk tend to be have less allergic reactions than babies fed on soy or cow’s milk. It suggests that breastfeeding can protect babies from developing allergies and scientists that IgA (immune factor) which helps prevent allergic reaction to some nutrients and foods is available only in breast milk.

There is also a connection between baby’s cognitive development and breastfeeding. Several researchers have found that exclusive and prolonged breastfeeding may significantly improve cognitive development in newborns. Also, some studies suggest that breastfeeding can reduce the baby’s risk of becoming obese or overweight as an adult or teen. There are several suggested reasons for this. If you compare formula-fed and breastfed babies, breastfed ones gain weight less rapidly in the first several weeks of their life. Breast milk compared to formula contains less insulin (fat stimulator). Also, breastfed babies eat until their are not hungry anymore and that leads to healthy eating patterns.

When it comes to mothers, several research have shown that it might reduce the risk of some types of cancer. One thing is certain, breastfeeding your baby will lower your stress level and the risk of postpartum depression will be reduced.

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