How to Help Someone with Bulimia Nervosa?
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If you are worried and troubled because recently you have found one of your loved ones with bulimia nervosa, and you want to help that loved one, but don’t know exactly what to do, calm down – help is here! However, remember that coping with a bulimic patient is extremely challenging and you have to try hard to encourage the person to take bulimia treatment. Also remember that you should know as much as you can about this dreadful eating disorder so as to help your loved one in a true sense. So, here is some information.
Where should You Start?
If you have not come across a person with an eating disorder so far, helping your loved one with this disorder can be fairly difficult for you.
The first and biggest problem is the person doesn’t want to admit that s/he has the disorder and doesn’t want to get involved in your attempts. Therefore you will need to find a way to support them wherein you both can be comfortable and this needs you to communicate with the person a lot.
This can be an extremely challenging time emotionally. To add to that, it may also easily confuse you.
Another problem for you may be the terms like trigger, binge and purge, and other terms that you come across while trying to understand this disorder.
But there is nothing very difficult in understanding this disorder if you read carefully.
You can help your loved one with bulimia in a step by step way.
Study the Disorder
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Learn everything about bulimia (which is not quite a lot, to your relief). is a very good online portal that will give you lots of information on bulimia nervosa, its treatment and other eating disorder treatment options.
Start Conversation
Remember that patients with bulimia nervosa always try to hide that they have the disorder. They always feel ashamed, guilty and depressed about the whole affair. And so, s/he won’t start communicating to you for help. You will have to do that. They may even refuse to communicate but you will have to remain steadfast. If you handle the matter with utmost love and care, they will slowly open up and then you can help them. You may feel disgusted upon not being appreciated for your serious efforts. But you will have to sustain yourself in those hard times.
Modification of Behavior
You will have to change or modify your behavior when your affected loved one is concerned. You don’t need to wear an all new personality, but you will have to be more careful while talking, especially on topics like foods, dieting and weight loss.
Discuss about Solutions
It’s not necessary that you or your suffering loved one know how to come out of the disorder. The roots of the disorder may be in the childhood of your loved one. A disturbed childhood and resulting low self-esteem can also be a cause of bulimia. You and your loved one have to discuss upon these types of matters and try to find out the root cause. If your loved one is getting disturbed by those memories, you better consult a doctor. But if s/he feels comfortable while discussing that with you, you can find a solution only by discussing.
Ready for Treatment
Once your loved one admits that s/he is suffering from the disorder you can coax her/him to visit a doctor and get the further treatment. You can ask if you can accompany her/him, but if s/he is not ready for that, you should not force. But keep an eye on whether s/he is regularly visiting the doctor and taking the treatment properly.
In short, you need not worry. Though this process is challenging, it’s not impossible and you can do it for your loved one!