6 Incredible Health Benefits of Perfumes
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While there are different opinions about wearing perfumes, there is no doubt that body odors repel most people and when one wears a perfume, s/he creates an attractive air around her/him. Here are a few health benefits of perfumes that may encourage you to wear perfumes, if you are not wearing them yet.
1. Mood Enhancement
You have got up in the morning with a bad mood because you are quite stressed up with today’s proposed meeting. Well, in such a case, there are many things that can enhance your mood like a refreshing shower and a wholesome and tasty breakfast; but a perfume of your choice, like Jizan Perfumes, too can play an important role in making your mood great. The fragrance of perfume wards off bad thoughts and makes you feel refreshed. It’s because the abilities of both smell and emotions are rooted in the same area of brain, the limbic system. Also, the olfactory center interacts straight to the hippocampus, a brain area associated to the formation of new memories.
2. Confidence Boost-up
Because when you wear a perfume, you know that you smell good, your confidence increases. A perfume makes you get through the day without feeling conscious about your body odor. As mentioned earlier, the perfume also keeps your mood great throughout the day and so, you can work more efficiently and that boosts your confidence further.
3. Aphrodisiac
You might have experienced that wearing some fragrances may actually make you feel sexy. It’s because those perfumes function like aphrodisiacs. They contain pheromones and thus aphrodisiac properties. That explains why you get attracted to someone due to their fragrances.
4. Health Boost-up
There are no scientific studies available to ensure the power of perfume to boost health. However, perfumes do enhance mood, keep away stress, depression and anxiety, whereby chances of occurrence of diseases are reduced to a great extent, because diseases are more likely to occur in the stressed up and depressed conditions.
5. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy which is getting endorsement from medical practitioners for curing certain diseases is based on fragrances. Perfumes like floral, citrus fruit and winter spice have a power to calm the mind as well as soothe the body. These perfumes have been proven to control your stress levels.
6. Insomnia Treatment
If you are suffering from insomnia, try a soothing fragrance to get rid of it. But remember that this should not be the same perfume that you use while leaving for your work. This particular perfume should be more soothing, should evoke a sense of calm in you and should make you feel that everything is alright and nice around you. It will surely help you overcome your sleeplessness.
So, if you haven’t yet tried a perfume for any reason, try one now not as a fashion, but for your health.