Some of the Symptoms of Pregnancy

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It will be easy to find out that the women is pregnancy by getting to know about some of pregnancy symptoms like missing of period, morning sickness, nausea, tiredness, tenderness, breast swelling, frequent urination and some other pregnancy symptoms. These are some of the most common pregnancy symptoms through which you can confirm your pregnancy in its early stage. Even though the causes for these symptoms are many but these symptoms are most commonly observed in the early stage of pregnancy where a women need to undergo some tests and checkups to confirm pregnancy. When it comes to discussion about pregnancy symptoms then we need to first discuss about missing of period. In the early stage of pregnancy, after two weeks of conception, a hormone HCG will be passed through the bloodstream and urine which is a confirmed indication that a woman is pregnant.

Other pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and nausea due to production of progesterone in the body. In case nausea or vomiting women experiences this at 5th or 6th week of pregnancy but when it comes to morning sickness, it can be happened to the women at any time of the day. These symptoms will disappear in between 14th and 16th week of pregnancy. If a woman is a suffering from severe morning sickness then it is must to consult a doctor as she may have to be hospitalized for a few days. In this case she may also suffer Hyperemesis Gravidarum which requires immediate medication by the doctor. However it is a rare case and affects only one out of two hundred women in the world.

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